Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Kappix Press Release

Big Minded Small Businesses Owners Tap into Corporate Software

PRZOOM - Newswire - Small business owners often feel compelled to keep up with the big guys by investing in expensive corporate business management software - a costly investment with little or no immediate ROI.

Running a small business is much harder than running a corporation. Surprising? Not if you're a small business entrepreneur.

As a fledling business owner on a restricted budget you have to multi-task, juggle, prioritize and balance. Unlike corporations, you don't have a specialized professional team to help you manage, allowing you to focus on more critical business strategies.Neither do you have the capital to afford such luxuries. At best you have about twenty employees that you need to train, supervise, motivate, schedule and pay.

You're the sole manager, running your business on a shoe-string budget with only 24 hours a day. Given such stressful financial and time constraints, how can you successfully maintain a balance between excellence, efficiency, and improving productivity all on your own?

The answer? Think big.

Manage your business like the big corporations do. Corporations rely on efficient organization that is cost-effective. Yes, even big companies have budget (granted big, but not unlimited) constraints that warrant resourcefulness. Today big businesses resort to business management software whenever possible to replace business processes that were once done manually, reducing costs of labor, time and human error.

Scheduling employees, for instance, used to be a tedious, time-consuming task before automated scheduling software made rosters, schedules and shift management a breeze. No big company would dream of wasting valuable time preparing workforce shedules and rosters manually.

Today, small businesses can not only easily be a more efficient organization with the help of such automated software but can also obtain business software at no cost. The business software market offers a wider variety of free trial software programs for evaluation before purchasing. The downside of those programs are either a time limitation (meaning you might not get fully acquainted with all features) or limited in features (meaning you can't test all the features). If you like the program, you find out it carries a corporate price tag.

On the other hand, there are companies (few though they exist) that offer free fully functional business management software, with no time/feature limitations. Small business owners often feel compelled to buy expensive software in order to keep up with the big guys. One common misconception is that if it's free, it couldn't be worthy or it's of low quality. This notion couldn't be farther from the truth in many cases. In fact, there have been cases where corporate software giants, despite being reputable (not to mention expensive), dissatisfied a few renowned organizations who purchased their software. Consequently, expensive software should never be automatically equated with quality; conversely, free should never be equated with low quality.

Kappix, for instance, provides free professional employee scheduling software on their website with no strings attached. Unlike many providers of business software, Kappix does not limit its users in time nor features and provides free support. Other companies such as Productivity-software by Spiritworks software development offer small businesses a range of information management software (though limited in time), fully functional. Whenever possible, seek free software that is not limited in features and preferably not limited in time. In both instances, business owners can get acquainted with the software with all features at their disposal before investing in it.

Today, more than ever, small businesses can "think big" - focus on more critical business issues by introducing free business management software into their small business. The abundance and immediate availability of free software like Kappix's DRoster Employee Scheduling Software can afford them the time to boost productivity without sacrificing valuable money and precious time. Think big, like the big successful corporations. At no cost.For more information about various free business management software or DRoster Employee Scheduling Software servicing your business, contact the author Nancy Berger.

Agency / Source: Kappix Employee Scheduling Software Producer

Availability: All Regions (Including Int'l)

Distribution: [+] Press Release & Newswire Distribution Network via PRZOOM - NewswireToday

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